
Support For The Philippines

A campaign by Matthew Dunaway

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    Raised of $250,000
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This campaign did not reach it's goal
A campaign by Matthew Dunaway
1 campaigns, 0 contributions

This is an URGENT NEED AND OPPORTUNITY FOR THE PHILIPPINES. We have been extended an amazing opportunity to help with the recent and tragic devastation there. I believe God can use this to reach a lot of people with His love. We have a large team that will be going to the Philippines the first week of December that has been given special access to various areas to work and help because of our prior work there and relationships that were already established.

One of the biggest needs there now is clean water. We have developed a clean water system that will provide a family with clean (bacteria and protozoa free) water for at least 10 years. These filters are an incredible evangelistic tool because they illustrate the Gospel as the dirty water is made clean.

OUR TEAM NEEDS TO TAKE ABOUT 3000 OF THESE FILTERS WITH THEM. The cost of one filter is $50 and there are 60 of them in one case, so we need 50 cases. The other great things is that the $50 includes the distribution AND shipping of the filters. The team will take them with them and distribute them family to family while sharing Jesus as they go.
The filters provide water that EXCEEDS EPA drinking water quality and are already helping families in over a dozen countries.